• mer. Fév 19th, 2025

ABP - Agence Burundaise de Presse

Grenier de l'information au Burundi

The Senate President has joined the people of Cankuzo in the TDCs


Sep 21, 2021

CANKUZO September 21st (ABP) – The Burundi Senate President, Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his wife and the staff of the senate and the MPs elected in the constituency of Cankuzo, joined the people of Cankuzo province (east of the country), in the community development works (TDCs) consisting of the construction of the columns of the walls of the Buhumuza stadium in Cankuzo, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Mr. Sinzohagera thanked the province for its step in development.

He reminded the people of Cankuzo that the development of the province concerns its natives and the inhabitants and others who come to intervene in aid.

The Senate President thanked that province for initiating the idea of ​​building that stadium.

He appealed to the young people of Cankuzo province to practice sports there as soon as the construction ends.

He took the opportunity to congratulate athlete Francine Niyonsaba for being the champion of the world champions, which is an honor for the country. He also called on these young people to follow suit.

He has provided 3,135,000 BIF in aid on behalf of the United Methodist Church he represents for the construction of the stadium.

The Senate Speaker returned to the job search case. At that point, he has made it known that there are no more government jobs.

It is for that reason that he called on young people to group together in cooperatives to develop and apply for loans from the Youth Bank for Investment (BIJE) because the actions of the communes are there so that young people have unconditional access to credit within that bank.

He took the opportunity to thank the Kibimba hill cooperative in Mishiha commune for the better sorghum yield they harvested.

The Senate President called on the people to safeguard peace and security knowing that everything depends on them.

He also called on the people to save the environment by protecting trees already planted as part of the national program « ewe Burundi urambaye ».

He also asked the people of Cankuzo to continue the barrier measures prescribed by the ministry having health in its attributions to protect themselves against the Covid-19.