• lun. Fév 17th, 2025

ABP - Agence Burundaise de Presse

Grenier de l'information au Burundi

The Prime Minister has made a donation to EEAA for ongoing rehabilitation works and recalls compliance with COVID-19 barrier measures


Sep 21, 2021

BUJUMBURA September 21st (ABP) – The Prime Minister of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, along with his wife, joined the Christians of the Evangelical Church of Central Africa (EEAC) on Sunday September 19th), located in the Kanyosha zone of Muha commune, in Bujumbura city, with a view to sharing Sunday prayer with the faithful of this church.

On his arrival, the Prime Minister of Burundi was greeted by the various pastors of the EEAC, as well as the administrators, in that case the mayor of the city of Bujumbura and the administrator of Muha commune.

In his intervention, Mr. Bunyoni referred to Psalm 35, 1-5 and called on EEAC Kanyosha followers to pray to God frankly and without ulterior motive.

That was an opportunity for Prime Minister Bunyoni to honor his commitment to support the ongoing rehabilitation work of EEAC Kanyosha by offering an envelope of seven million five hundred thousand Burundian francs (7,500,000 BIF).

He also called on the faithful of that church in particular, but also Burundians in general, to respect the barrier measures against COVID-19 as established by the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS. In that regard, he deplored a certain reluctance manifested in relation to strict compliance with those measures, which means that the rate of contamination is currently high, especially inside the country.

The Chairman of the Committee of Elders of the EEAC Kanyosha, Reverend Pastor Prosper Ndayishuriye, on behalf of the faithful, warmly commended the gift of the Prime Minister, promising that the latter will be used wisely, especially oriented only towards rehabilitation works from the church.

He also took the opportunity to thank the Prime Minister of the Republic of Burundi who stood by the followers of the EEAC Kanyosha during the difficult times that this church went through.